Exploring Wholeness for those seeking self connection, balance, ease and a gentle approach to wellness

It all starts with knowing yourself, re-awakening, and re-connecting to your uniqueness, mind, body and soul.




I’m a Human Design Guide, Ayurvedic Therapist and Energy Healer committed to guiding your back home to yourself.

I know what it is like to feel burnt out, lost, unbalanced, and stuck in a life cycle that doesn't feel aligned. This all changed for me when I begin the journey of self-understanding and inner growth. In understanding myself on a deeper level, mind, body, and soul, the true transformation happened.

If you are ready to reclaim your power, re-connect to your uniqueness, and re-align with your highest self to better support your health and wellbeing get in touch.

The purpose

Through a combination of Human Design, Ancient medicine, Energy healing, Intuitive guidence & mindful tools, I'm here to nurture, support and guide you back to a life of more ease. From all the free content you’ll find here, and on my newsletter, to 1:1 and group sessions, this community provides something for everyone no matter where you're at on your journey. 


  • Human Design Reading

    Explore your souls unique design and embody your truest self, to begin living a life of more alignment, connection and ease.

  • Holistic Healing Session

    Intuitive 1 off 90 minute healing sessions based on the support you need right now. Breathwork, EFT, Meditation, Ayurvedic support

  • 1:1 Holistic Mentoring

    The HOMECOMING! Re-connect, re-align and re-learn your truest inner self, mind, body and soul through a 3 momth expansive partnership!


Living holistically is possibly the healthiest way you can live, and it’s more accessible that you might think it is! How holistically are you currently living?


What is holistic living?

It isn’t always possibly to ‘positive vibe’ your way out of a situation. Sometimes the idea of forced positivity can be ineffective, and at worst dangerous.


Toxic positivity

“We advocate for a world where health & wellness is accessible to all. A world where everything is explored & nothing is off limits. Where we are all empowered to advocate for ourselves, making choices that are right for us & guided by our own intuition & inner alignment.”

〰️ Lea Hughes 〰️