1:1 Holistic Mentorship
I see you babe. You want to be empowered in your own wellbeing. You want to live life on purpose. You want to feel more ease in life, and free yourself of the patterns that are keeping your stuck!
I have been there.
I was doing 'OK', I was ‘healthy’, and on the surface, my life was moving forward as it ‘should’ be. In reality, I’d become so used to living a life of ‘OK’ that I’d forgotten that life shouldn’t be any less than incredible! I’d lost connection to my mind, body and soul, and was consistently looking outside myself for the answers and direction. When I began embracing my truest self and spending the time practicing and nurturing the relationship with my inner being, life transformed.
If that sounds like you too, get in touch, I’m here to guide you home to yourself!
I get it! Our modern society doesn’t encourage us to practice self connection. It doesn’t teach us how to tune into our inner guidance or embrace our uniqueness. So often we live a live following the path of those that have come before us. Reaching for goals that don’t feel aligned with our true purpose, and therefore finding ourselves on a cycle of feeling burnout as we strive for things not meant for us! We come to accept health challenges, limitations, and burnout as just part of life. IT’S NOT!
By embracing your uniqueness, tuning in to your own inner compass and integrating ancient practices and tools to support your highest self, you can begin to live a life of more ease, balance and intention, and ultimately thrive and achieve the success you deserve. Whether that be in life, health, business, relationships, or just as part of your ongoing self development journey.
You are not here to be a copy, you are here to be you!
You are a multifaceted, complex being, and achieving true wellbeing requires you to reflect on all areas of your life. Whole self healing isn’t just about the food you eat, how much exercise you do, or how much you meditate - although all those things are great, it requires us to reflect on all areas of our human experience. Most of all it requires us to slow down, tune in, take aligned action.
Its time to stop looking outside yourself for the answers and start to trust your own inner compass, to unlock and reclaim your unique gifts and potential, and your bodies desire to be well. When you stop searching, and instead take the time to pause, turn inwards, and explore your unique inner terrain, transformation can happen.
It’s time to start embodying your true self and start living a life you deserve!
I’m excited for you to being!
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Through a combination of different tools, practices, rituals, ancient wisdom and teaching’s, you can access a new way of wellbeing that is sustainable and transformational and helps elevate your life to create a life that feels fulfilling, healthy and authentically you.
By learning about your unique design and constitution and un-learning all the conditioning and programming that is stopping you from moving forward, releasing old narratives, and replacing with nourishment, love and reconnection to your purpose and who you are on a soul level, you can begin to make better choices for you!
Re-connect with your intuition
Introduce sustainable wellness practices into your daily life
Cultivate a plan that really supports your health inside and out
Thrive with your unique constitution and design
Release blocked energy, and re-balance
Remove toxins from your life, physically and energetically
Cultivate a strong self love practice
Use natures gifts to support your wellbeing
Shift old patterns & limiting narratives
Re-align to your soul purpose
Introduce practices to support & nourish your body
Go from burnt out to fulfilled
Cultivate more gratitude and love for life
Eliminate stress and find peace, calm & clarity
1 x 90 minute deep dive session to begin
5 x 60 minutes sessions
1 x Human Design session
1 x Holotropic breathwork and energy healing session
Personal Soul Map PDF
Personalised Holistic Health, including recipes, rituals, practices
Full unlimited access to The Inner Retreat for 3 months
Welcome care package tailored to your uniqueness
Your own personal notion workspace and unlimited support via Whatsapp
Each session will be intuitively led and unique to your needs, holding space for you to develop, grow, and expand into a radiant, high vibe life that is uniquely yours.
During our time together we will explore practices, rituals, tools and ancient wisdom to find what works for you, and help you re-align and return home to your true self.
Rooted in the foundation of your unique Human Design, Ayurvedic wisdom, mindful practice and Holistic therapies we will balance your mind, body, soul and environment.
What to expect;
Mentorship relationships include but are not limited to;
Your unique Human Design and how to integrate this with regards to wellness
Your Ayurvedic constitution, any imbalances, focusing on re-balancing
Holotropic Breathwork, Meditation & Energy Healing sessions
Nutritional and herbal support plan to support your body natural processes
A focus on gut health, nervous system, immunity, adrenal support
Inner self connection practices and visualisation
Relevant holistic therapies to support your physical
Self care and lifestyle routines, guiding you to re-connect with your body
Sustainable mindset tools, and guided practices for connected alignment
What Clients Say…
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“Working with Lea has been so empowering for me. I already was on a journey of holistic healing in terms of my mental and physical health and my time with Lea has really strengthened this path. She’s intuitive and able to go with the flow, she’s willing to share suggestions and ideas but this is consistently done with the feeling that ultimately it’s about me feeling out what’s right for me.”
“I’ve felt empowered and expanded from these sessions - working with Lea is, in my experience, about reconnecting to yourself and rooting deeper down into this rather than leaning on externals. Also, her information packs that accompany each session are incredible resources, full of gentle wisdom and ideas.”
“Her mentorship sessions are a really refreshing way to ground yourself and feel more at home in following what’s right for you whilst being completely supported. For me, listening to myself has always seemed so scary and overwhelming and Lea has helped ease me into feeling more comfortable with myself. It’s a wonderful approach that I wholeheartedly recommend and I’m so thankful for your intuition, guidance and knowledge, Lea!”
I’m your mentor, guide, friend, advocate, and cheerleader. I am here to help you navigate your way through big life shifts, by helping you introduce holistic practices, tools, and healthy habits. I am here to support you in a gentle exploration of self enquiry and development, so you can become re-alignned and re-connected, and ultimately empowered in embodying your version of wellbeing.
The tools I use to help you get there include, but are not limited to….
Breathwork / Human Design / EFT / Meditation / Ayurveda / Energy work
Nutrition / Herbal Medicine / Practical Coaching techniques / Tarot / Aromatherapy
>>>>>> GET TO KNOW ME MORE HERE !! <<<<<<
If this resonates and your ready to get started