How to build your Healing Tools List


When it comes to keeping on top of our healing, or our overall well-being, it can be tough, and can sometimes feel like a full time job. But I am of the deep belief that wellbeing shouldn’t be hard, and it shouldn’t be a punishment; lists of things that need to be done. Our wellbeing routines, commitments, intentions should be something we look forward to, the things we do to support and nourish ourselves.

But I see that is often the problem. We are so deeply conditioned to put our well-being so far down the pecking order, that to get into the habit of making these things a priority can feels like an inconvenience, especially when we have an ‘off’ day and don’t feel like doing a yoga class, meditating, or eating well - when often this is when we need it most!

So, putting things in place to make your support tools easy to access, and easy to call on everyday no matter what you need support with can be a simple way to have those tools at hand.

Thats exactly what a Healing Tools List is, and it is a system I use often, especially when I need a bit of a nudge in the right direction.

  • Make a note of all the things that make you feel good, and I mean everything! Yoga, meditation, taking a bath, drinking a smoothie, reading a book, calling your mum…anything that makes your feel good.

  • Next categories each of these in whether they support your mind, body, or soul, or multiple. The best was to do this is draw 3 boxes, each with the heading of either Mind, Body & Soul, on a piece of paper and divide the list up into the 3 boxes.

  • Now next to each note down what that thing helps you with. Is it anxiety, low mood, gut health, needing clarity, energy blockages. That way when you are experiencing any of these emotions and feelings, you can simply scroll down the list and identify some tools that will support you.

  • This can either be on paper, the front of your journal, or better yet if you have an online organisation system you use (I love Notion for this) then this can be housed there, so any time you are feel like you need support you can just quickly check in and see what you need.

  • Whenever you come across a new tool, a need herb, or a new therapies that helps then add it to the list to remind yourself next time you are in that space.


This system seems like a simple tools, but it really takes away the guess work and experimental it takes to find the thing that works. If you have it noted down that a peppermint tea and a hot water bottle help you with stomach cramps, then this acts as a little prompt to remind us we do have the tools we need, and we have often tried an tested things before that have supported us.

If this has been helpful to you, and you want a template to use for this click right here.

Lea xx
