July 2020 Full Moon
I don’t know about you but every time the full moon comes around I feel like I have a whole load of baggage I need to release. I feel like I have just been loading more and more on over the last couple of weeks waiting for this weekend to come. There is something so cleansing about using this point within the month to shed whatever you have been building up, or refocus your intentions and connect back to yourself.
This full moon is in Capricorn and it is also a solar eclipse, the final eclipse in a series that has taken place over the last two years in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn. A series that won’t be see for another 19 years. An eclipse will always make the full moon super intense, so be prepared for a crazy few days personally and as a collective as we will all feel that heightened emotional energy.
Capricorn and Cancer, represent our home, our foundations, the structures in our life and our emotions, so it’s no surprise if over the last couple of years you have been feeling a lot of shifting happening in this area, I know I have, as has the world!!
This weekend will see a lot of those emotions come to a head so be prepared as the series closes out, so remember to breath! Don’t get too overly stressed or riled by situations, these feelings will pass and they will be for the highest good, but it is an invitation to clear out the last of that deadwood in your life. To clarify situations and structures that haven’t been working for you, or to finally reflect on those relationships that aren’t serving you. Expect to become much more aware over the next few days about the things that aren’t good for you and aren’t working for the collective, and use this energy to give you the confidence to say, no more, and stand up for what is right for you.
Continue to show up and stand for what is right, with compassion and love.
There is so much astrological alignment this weekend that is set to create some real tension - and with it falling on ‘super Saturday’ there is sure to be to social tension running high as people come back together for the first time in months, not to mention the unrest people currently feel with regards to our societal structures.…I’ll definitely be extending my lockdown for another week!
This is a super juicy time to really get clear on how you want to move forward and really, truly, close out on the last couple of years lessons, but also the last month, as with any other full moon.
Capricorn invites us to look at our structures, work-life balance, and our foundations, so this is great time to look at the ways your work life isn’t currently working for you and change it. maybe it is time ti implement a new morning routine, or set some boundires. With many of us going back to work, or maybe having to find new jobs and new ways of earning money this is a great time to move forward in the way that is best for you, and choose for yourself! Once you have made some changes you should see some great shifts!
It also invites us to look at our surroundings. Although the lunar eclipse in capricorn has been prodding us to do that for the last two years, this full moon is like the pinnacle. It is time to look at the people in your life and make sure they are there for good and aren’t leaving you with toxic energy. It is a time to look at your life and finally make some decisions that are right for you with regards to your environment and the energy you are surrounding yourself with. Use this time to free yourself from what is not longer aligned with you. No shame, no harm, just honest truthful moves that will make you feel happier!
A gratitude ritual is a great practice for a Capricorn full moon. Whilst we feel like there are a lot of things shifting and changes being made, it is good to practice grounding back to what we are grateful for and what we are focused on bettering moving forward. Focus on the relationships you want to nourish, and the opportunities you hope to foster.
Write a list of things you’re grateful for and how you plan to nourish them moving forward. Leave the list under the full moon overnight.
Take a bath using the herbs below, candles lit and surrounded by useful crystals
If you feel like there are heavy burdens you are carrying, practice a standard moon rituals of writing them down and burning the list.
Amethyst - for focus and clarity
Garnet - great for capricorn energy for creating boundaries and removing blocks and inhibitions so you feel more confident standing in your power.
Malachite - will help support you mentally as you shift through big desicions and make big change
Smokey Quarts and Clear Quartz are great for full moon rituals to help keep you focused and work at continually clearing the negative energy around you.
Thyme - is great action and strength and also for calling in money and abundance if you are working on biz/career stuff!
Mint - will help with your focus, and tapping into your inner wisdom.
Brew these herbs in water and add to your bath or make into bundles to burn as a smudge stick.
Happy Full Moon, see you on the other side!
L xx