Welcome to Leo season, I hope you are settling in OK! Leo season is my home season, and one of really big powerful energy, both astrologically, seasonally and through the lense of Human Design.
Astro Season : Leo
Element : Fire
Ayurvedic Dosha : Pitta
Herbs : Sunflower, Lemon Balm, Chamomile
Qualities : Hot & Dry
HD Gates : 56, 31, 33, 7, 4, 29
During such a fiery season, it is really important to stay balanced, keeping yourself calm and cool in mind and body, especially if this isn't you natural state. Burnout, over stimulation, digestive issues, irritability, inflammation are just some of the things that are common if we let this season intensify without having the tools to keep them at bay. I'll be sharing more on that in a future email.
What are transits?
Much like how we work with the moon cycles and transits, mercury retrograde, and the movements of all the other planets in the sky, the Human Design Mandala wheel provides us with another layer of insight beyond that tells us which of the 64 gates, or Gene Keys, are in transit, which energy centres are active, and how that might effect you and your chart.
This is a big part of my personal practice, and something that I share with clients, or in readings and I know how much insight and support it has given to them, so below is an example of the weekly, and monthly insight I will sharing on THIS MAILING LIST.
If you want monthly transit overviews, as well as deep dives into different areas of Human Design & Gene Keys, Q&A drop ins, JOIN THE EMAIL LIST.
Leo season is here. This is time where Sun enters its home sign, so its not coincidence that we, here in the Northern Hemisphere, experience the sun at its best and brightest during this time.
Leaving Cancer season behind us, and with it a season of deep nurturing and intense emotions, this Leo energy encourages us out into the heat, and invites us into the spotlight of the worlds stage. As a Leo I can tell you there is a misconception about what Leo energy really is. Often we hear of Leo’s being all about drama, or being loud and the centre of attention. But what Leo energy really brings is passion, leadership, loyalty, creativity, heart, and drive.
This is a time to really consider what is important to you, what you are passionate about and how you want to lead. Whilst there is an energy here of encouraging boldness, confidence, expression…this doesn’t necessarily mean you having to shout from the rooftops.
Leo actually encourages confidence and boldness in SELF. So this is a time for you to get clear about how you feel most comfortable being in the world, and what is really important to you, and getting behind that, unapologetically. This is about you making bold decisions for yourself, and having the confidence to really show up in the way that feels most aligned for you, no matter what others are doing.
This is the stubbornness that we often hear about Leo energy. It is the confidence to do it your way and really let your true soul self shine! To really be who you want to be, and have fun expressing it!
Leo season is a GREAT time to dig deeper into your inner self, and explore your uniqueness through your unique energetic blueprint!
From a Human design perspective we move through all the gates of leadership, influence, logic, success, during this time, and at the moment there is a huge shift in what leadership and influence looks like collectively.
The first full transit of this Leo season is with the Sun in Gate 31 and the Earth in Gate 41, which makes the half way point of the Rave Mandala. The HD new year begins with the Sun in Gate 41/Earth in Gate 31 so this is where we see the flip happening.
☉ GATE 31 - Gate of Influence
This is a throat centre gate that is all about how we use our voice for influence, and for the good of humanity.
This gate is part of the COLLECTIVE circuit, and lives in the Quarter of CIVILISATION, so there is a gift with this energy of how we might use our unique power of influence for good in the world. This type of leadership is from the heart and about the people, and showing how we might be able to break out of the patterns of leadership control, and things that are harming humanity.
This doesn’t mean leadership in the formal sense. It's simply how you use you voice, gifts, skills, wisdom to influence others for their benefit - we are all leaders in our field!
This could be the way you influence at work, with your children, at home, the way you share on social media, the way you speak up about social issues.
The real gift here is in recognising that we all carry influence, in how we speak, the advice we give, the things we put our energy behind. It is all about really speaking our truth, on the things that affect us collectively.
The shadow of this energy is in arrogance, and leading from a place of inauthenticity, self gain or control. The kind of influence and leadership, that is only really serving the individual leader and often happens through manipulation. A great example of this is the way our government works. Essentially we never know the true heart of our leader and influences, because we are often manipulated by propaganda. The same could be said on a lesser level to how we are influenced on social media!
So, this week you will no doubt start to see things highlighted in your life, that don’t feel truly in the pursuit of good. It is maybe a good time to audit who in your life is influencing your from a place of ‘control’, rather than from a heart led place.
⊕ GATE 41 - Gate of Contraction
With Earth in Gate 41, there is a grounding to this energy that has an urge to experience new things, do thing differently, a kind of restlessness with how things are.
This is a Root centre gate, in the Quarter of Mutation and transformation, so as you can imagine it is all about how we evolve and breakout of our current cycles. It is asking for something different, but something grounding reality, not just a distant dream of the future.
So the two combined energies are a really powerful energy that give us an opportunity to consider;
⭐️ What are you passionate about?
⭐️ How do you want to use your influence in a way that makes the world a better place?
⭐️ In what ways might you be being influenced in a way that doesn’t benefit you?
⭐️ What experience do you have leadership that feels rooted in control?