Healing cancer has been my full time job for the past nearly 5 years, and with new challenges at every turn there is a constant need to find ways to support myself physically, mentally and emotionally. Without the complementary therapies, healing nutrition, and working with the many amazing healers, therapists and practitioners I have worked with I know I wouldn’t be were I am now. The things I ‘do’, ‘take’ and the way I have adapted my lifestyle have been crucial to my healing and recovery, but so has maintaining a ‘normal’ joy filled life. As my cancer continues to progress, so it requires me to re-think, find new therapies to support, and seek out new treatments that might help extend my life, support with side effects, and help me continue to live the way I am. But all of this costs, and there are times when I have to compromise on the things I know will help me, and choose between my everyday costs, and my healing.

If you feel called to donate I assure you any money you gift me will be used specifically for my healing. Any therapies I do, I will be sharing about through my newsletter and blog to support others.