We are in a new age of spirituality right now. One full of affirmations, manifestation, higher consciousness and the goal of the ultimate transcendence. So many of these new age spirituality tools and practices have great value, but there is a point where it can become counter intuitive.
Spirituality, by definition is; the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
That doesn’t mean to relinquish all material and physical things, unless you choose to. It is simply a realisation that we are more than JUST that, and exploring those ways to unlock that within ourselves. To me, spirituality is not religion. It’s not organised, or structured. It is not blindly following a leader of teacher and believing everything that is presented to you, and it is not a removal of all of reality. It is a curiosity of the soul, and a exploration of all outside of what we know, WITHOUT dismissing it completely.
New age spirituality is still somewhat sidelined in our culture because, maybe, of the stereotype of hugging rocks at Stone Henge and dancing around barefoot wearing flower garlands. It is all of that, and so much more, or less, depending on which way you look at it. But many of us, myself included, do not have space in their lives to devote to a hardcore cosmic spiritual journey, and honestly, there is so much more to life in our current 3D, materialistic, reality, that taking so much time out for trips to Glastonbury and cocoa ceremonies every week can cause us to miss the beauty all around us in everyday life.
Your spiritual journey and growth is yours, and it is whatever YOU need it to be, and what works for you. It is not about handing control of your soul over to another person or another way of thinking. Your unique souls journey is intuitive, and it will of course, look different to someone else’s. We are all here for a reason, whether that be to be a mum, a doctor, or a healer, or all of the above. But we are also here to experience this world, serve to care for others and the planet. We strive to live with care and compassion for our fellow humans, and the world around us and certain levels of ‘spirituality’ can lead us away from this, and cause us to become so fixated on something bigger that we miss all the other stuff around us.
Whilst that works for some, and it may be their true journey, the chances are if you are reading, its not yours, and that’s OK! It is also not an example of the ‘right’ way to live spiritually, because there isn’t one. The idea there is a one size fits all, or there is one guru, or one way of thinking is misleading at best, and toxic at worst. We are all so different that as with anything health and wellness, spirituality is equally as individual.
During the course of my spiritual journey there have been many spiritual practices, thought leaders, and teachers that I have explored. Some have resonated and others haven't, but I always approach them with an attitude of curiosity, and if i’m honest some healthy scepticism. If we are connected to our intuition we will know when something doesn’t feel quite right for us and when it does.
So, I’m busting some myths and misleading statements that show up a lot in the spiritual world….
1. Spirituality is the same as religion -
No. It isn't . It can be, you can be religious and spiritual, but they are two very separate things. Religion is a set of organised beliefs, and being part of a community of people who follow the same rules. Spirituality is about your soul, and it is your journey. It is an individual practice that is more about finding purpose and peace within ourselves and within this world, universe. There is no god, no rules, just you are your beliefs.
2. Being able to rise above your emotions is a sign of high spirituality, and if you are still experiencing fear and anger you aren’t doing it right!
Wrong. Firstly, there is no right way or wrong way to ‘do’ spirituality. Secondly, there is not light without dark. Experiencing all of our emotions, and being able to process and move through them, if anything, only builds our spirituality, and our connection to ourselves. Yes we need to be careful what we expose ourselves to externally, and surrounding yourself with negative energy can be damaging for us, but your own feelings and human emotions are not wrong. Feel them, love them and allow them to be.
3. You can manifest anything you want by simply visualising it -
Nope. Manifestation is a really power practice that can help us bring things into our life, and visualisation is a really powerful tool that helps us really start to see the possibilities in our life, but it is not magic. The point of manifestation is to start to shift your mindset so you begin to think and live as if you already have the thing you want, but you still need to put the work in to get there, and sometimes that can take a long time. The magic, is that by holding that vision in your mind will help you start to go after the things that are going to make that happen, and be open to the opportunities that come to you. Manifestation is not a quick fix to your dreams, and if anyone leads you to believe it is, you might want to check their privilege.
4. Bad behaviour is allowed because it is for our highest good -
In some of spiritual groups and organisation there can be some really shady stuff that goes on behind the scenes. We might know it, and see it, and excuse it, because apart from that, everything else is fine, and because none of this behaviour is affecting you personally. But glossing over problematic behaviour, or denying it exists because we believe that it is for our highest good is ultimately counter intuitive.
5. Culture is an oppressive force and serves no good for us -
Eeesh! This seems to be a common one at the moment. The idea that society is against us and oppressing our spiritual growth. It is. There is no doubt about it. Society has been built in such a way that makes it ‘easier’ for us all to live, and with this comes a ton of norms, conformities, stereotypes, standard behaviours that have been deemed acceptable in order to add to this ideal of society that some group of men decided it would be a long time ago. Yes this may crush your soul, but unfortunately it is where we are right now. Most of us are awake to this, it would be hard not to be, and it is natural as humans to see the negative first, the oppression from ‘the man’ crushing our dreams. BUT there are so many amazing things that this society and culture has allowed us and enhanced the way we live, and often those negatives we see are things we put in our way as blocks to achieving what we want. No, society in general does not see your spiritual growth as a priority, but that doesn’t mean you can’t!
6. If you don’t live in a constant state of spiritual awareness, you aren’t spiritual enough -
False. Your spirituality does not need to be practiced all day every day in order for it to exist, and your level of spirituality is not for anyone else to comment on. There is no spirituality sorority, no initiation into the spiritual world, and no need to prove anything to anyone. You do you boo! There is a tendencies to feel slightly alienated from the world of ‘light workers’ and spiritual teachers because we don’t feel evolved enough to be part of the conversation. But you are just as evolved as your need to be right now.
7. We live in a matrix and we are not really here.
…..Ok ok ok, yeah I am a big advocate for the idea of us all being purely energy, and our skin suits being just a vessel for our soul to exist in, for the time we are on this ball floating, in infinite space. HOWEVER, you are here, in human form, on this planet, for such a short amount of time in the grand scheme of things, that to not enjoy it would be a real shame! Explore what you need, and go as deep into whatever spiritual practices your soul calls for, but don’t have your blinkers on to the glorious world we live in. Too much time spent in a transcendent state outside of this matrix, although might work for some, can often lead us into quite a distorted view of the world. It is important we stay grounded in our reality.
As you navigate your way through spirituality and explore practices that you feel drawn to, make sure you are exploring with curiosity, and openness. Identify was truly resonates with you and lights your soul up, and leave the rest behind!