NEW MOONS are my favourite of all the moon phases. I love a good full moon, and the practice of letting go, but the new moon is really a time of embracing new beginnings and looking forward.
The Scorpio full moon which is currently upon us, (London 15th November 5:07 am) is all about clearing out and start fresh. Scorpio is a water sign, so expect to FEEL deeply, and see some deep thoughts re-surface. It is also a very insular sign, and unlike fellow water signs, Scorpio is all about processing our inner world, privately. Take this new moon as permission to explore any old limiting beliefs and self imposed limitations and allow yourself to explore old memories that may will surface, or unresolved issues in your mind, without judgement.
Yes it may feel heavy and intense, and it may get uncomfortable at times, but the trick is, to let these feelings be, and not push them down - the chances are if they come up, then need to come up. This is the chance to really look inwards, practice some serious self reflection, and let those feeling circulate!
Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, with governs our unconscious and internal reflection, but is also a sign of transformation and regeneration. So as it invites us to explore these deep feelings, it is all with the purpose of moving us forward, and re-birthing us. We have all faced a lot of uncertainty and pain this year, some more than others, but none of us have had it easy, so there will no doubt be some feelings deep inside that you haven’t allowed yourself to really explore, and those feelings when not dealt will build up and create blocks in your life.
You may also been experiencing some feelings jealously or anger around this time, but you must know these feelings are OK, and will often be brought up by something deeper that needs dealing with, and this is your chance! Allow those feelings to come without judgement and use them for motivation. Make sure you have some practices in place to shake off all these heavy emotions that are coming up; go for a run, do some body tapping or practice some breath work. Don’t let these feeling stagnate for too long.
As the moon is aspected with Jupiter this also gives us another level of motivation. Jupiter invites us to look at the bigger picture with hope and positivity, and break free of our limitations. We will be able to see amidst all the deep emotional healing, how processing these will lead us to where we need to be.
The big lesson here and this weekend is to see that although we can’t control what is happening around us, we can change our internal reaction to it. We are constantly evolving and transforming beings but many of us are resistant to change, but this moon shows us that those changes and transformations, if we allow them to flow can be for our highest good.
Whilst you are deep in thought this weekend, start to visualise who you want to be for the rest of this year. What you put in place over this weekend will slowly start to fall into place until the Scorpio full moon in April so dont expect everything to be sorted this weekend. But you can make some big move to start to kick off the process.
Set your intentions for the year. Ask yourself what you want your focus to be? What old habits do you want to shift, and what new ones do you want to put in place? This is great time to start a self care practice, to start journalling, or meditating, whatever helps you to explore that inner self.
As always a new moon is an opportunity to reset and refresh, to reassess your goals with a fresh mind and a clean slate and decide right now in this moment what your priorities are for this lunar cycle.
Scorpio is connected to our third eye chakra which is all about intuition and imagination. It is related to our hormornal system and pituitary gland, and highlights a lot of feelings around knowledge, control and perception.
Use purples in your candles and decorations to embody this energy.
Flex your psychic muscle and do some deep intuitive meditations.
Journal your thoughts out, for a few days if possible
Do regular check in’s over the next few days to see what is coming up
Pull some tarot cards to help guide you as your emotions are surfacing
Have a good energy release practice on stand by to shake off any extra energy.
LAPIZ LAZULI - Inspiration, and enhancing wisdom and truth. Promoting self awareness and clearing of emotional energy whilst protecting from negative.
SODALITE - For wisdom and tapping into your intuition and promoting self awareness.
TURQUOISE - Bring things to the surface that need expressing and processing.
TOURMALATED QUARTZ - Great for clearing energy to bring vibrations into balance, and to release you from situation that have you feeling trapped.
MOONSTONE - Embracing change and shifting of energy, and support with new beginnings.
Place crystals around you, or hold them in your palms as you meditate.
Herbs for Scorpio are often spiked and grow under adverse condition. Herbs that support our hormones are also great for this sign.
Aloe Vera
Flowers that promote calm, and self love are perfect for this new moon.
Passion Flower
Use these herbs in teas, in your bath, or as essential oils during your moon ceremony.
What feelings have I been supressing?
What situations have been holding me back that need to be resolved?
What practices do I need to put into place to support processing my emotions?
What is my intuition telling me right now?
What I am ready to release?
How do I intend to be for the rest of this year?