Solar Eclipse in Gemini & HD transit
The years first solar eclipse is upon us, and it is bringing with it a chance for transformation, and an invitation to look at things differently.
A solar eclipse is where the sun and moon align in the sky and in this instance they are joining in the sign of Gemini, which is all about how we interact with the world and how we communicate with those around us. It also brings with it the energy or wanting to learn, expand, be conversational, garner more experience and insight.
This eclipse is opening us up for new beginnings for the rest of the year.
This is a perfect time for you to share your ideas with others, but it is also a time to notice what is coming up for you. It is a time to allow your feelings to come, process them and share them allowed with those you trust the most. You may find yourself feeling more open with others and looking for that deep more meaningful connection.
With this being a solar eclipse, it is not like other new moons. It brings with is a deeper sense of darkness. Whereas you would normally; set new intentions, look at how you can move forward, and look at your future visions, a solar return is inviting you to pause, be IN the darkness, and notice what emotions, feelings are ruminating.
It is by tuning in to what you are feeling that you can start to see what you need to move forward, and how you best make the next move.
Be more supportive of…
Shoulders, arms, hands, respiratory system, bronchial tubes, lungs, nervous connections, blood capillaries.
Practices to support
Introduce gentle yoga practices that nourish the upper body.
Daily breath work practice to support your upper body during this time.
Regular journalling to honour what comes up for you.
Human Design Transit
The Human Design transit offers us another, deeper level to the current energy and the main themes echo the Gemini energy perfectly, being about our individual voice, leadership, and collective support.
Gate 45.3 in the sun sign is the Gate of Gathering Together.
This bring with it a tribal energy, focused on money, allocation, and action! It is one half of the money line so this is really about monetary resources, but very much from a place of collective abundance.
Being in the 3rd line of experimentation it is suggesting that we may begin to experiment with different ways to make money, and different ways to secure our resources. But also, an experimentation in how we lead, or be led.
We also have Gate 26 in the Earth sign Gate of the Accumulation, which adds to a desire for material wealth, and great power. But again, this is for the collective, not about the ego. So it is really a time to consider how you may be able to lead, whilst supporting others to reach a collective goal.
In Summary
Use this time to get still, be gentle with yourself and recognise what is coming up for you, allowing yourself time to process this. Although those ruminating thoughts how what you want to create, what your future vision is and how you want to lead in this areas, and share this with others. It is a great time to book in a call with your coach, or have a long catch up with a trusted friends to run your ideas, thoughts and feelings by them, but release the pressure to do it all right now! The power is in allowing this to unfold naturally….