The summer solstice is upon us. The longest day or the year. The beginning of the summer season, and the start of cancer season, and my favourite time of year!
Summer solstice was supposed to mark the day when the Uk was finally free from all restriction placed upon us over this past year, and whilst that is no longer the case, the feeling of freedom is something I really feel around this time of year. I am a Leo, with Virgo rising, so this time of year feels like my naturally habitat.
The summer solstice happens when the sun is at its height from Earths perspective, and marks the point that the days will start to draw in until Autumn equinox on September 22nd, so that marks 3 months to embrace the summer season.
It is also a half way point in the year. A time to reflect on the first half and set intentions for the next phase of 2021. It brings with it a sense of abundance and power, and is a great time to pay attention to the energy that the sun brings in, casting its bright light over the shadow side of the rest of the year.
It is the perfect time to celebrate YOURSELF!!
What are you letting go of and what are you carrying through!
For many of us the past 6 months haven’t gone to plan. Many of us started this years with the intention to make it better than last year, and to fulfil al the dreams we didn’t get to last year, only to find that this year was much of the same. But I don’t know about you, I feel a sense of lightness coming, a small glimmer of hope that it is safe to embrace some normality.
Summer solstice is a great time for rituals, especially if this isn’t something you always do! It is a great time to birth new beginnings and bring that fire energy to what you have been brewing during spring, but also to be able to celebrate how far you have come in the past 6 months…what you have achieved, and what can now be put to bed!
7 rituals to explore this Summer Solstice…
Reflect on the past 6 months - Write a list of all your are grateful for, all your have achieved, and all you are ready to leave behind.
Celebrate yourself! - Seriously. Give yourself a pat on the back, you have done amazing things! Recognise what you have been through and what you have survived and THRIVED through
Clean house - Finish projects that are still lingering, to allow space for newness. To be able to approach the new 6 months with an abundance mindset, you first need to clear the dead weight. What can you let go of.
Move Intuitively - Allow yourself to feel the energy of the season. The fire, fun, passion, fluidity of the season will change your energy, allow that to move freely through you and embrace your energy change.
Tune into nature - Connect to Mother Earth and the elements. Get outside, bring elements into your home. Embrace seasonal living, eat seasonally, bring in colours of the season into what you wear. Embrace oranges, reds, yellows,
Work with summer herbs - We are in Pitta season and so bringing in cooling herbs will nurture the heat building within you. Herbs like, calendula, chamomile, fennel, dill, coriander, mint are all beautiful
Work with your Solar Plexus - Your solar plexus, your centre of power, is all about that fire energy, connect to the Sun and Leo. Work with solar plexus specific practices, to keep that energy strong.
However you choose to celebrate this Summer Solstice, enjoy it, have fun, and bring in more sunlight into your life!